Saturday, December 31, 2016
Goodbye 2016: What to Make of 2016
The Cubs Win the World Series!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump Wins the Presidency!!!!!!!
The Triumph of the Deplorables
The Less Publicized Losses 0f 2016
The end of the year brings us reminders of the famous and great that have left us during the past year. Most would be heroes, politicians or celebrities.
Let us also remember the unsung who added much to our lives.
Michael “Jim” Delligatti died at 98 in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His claim to fame enriched generations of children. He was the MacDonald’s franchisee who created the Big Mac.
Joe Sutter. Many of us take jet travel for granted. Joe Sutter was the chief designer of one of the greatest passenger planes of all time, the iconic Boeing B-747.
Robert Hulseman, inventor of the Red Solo cup
Leon Russell, the musician’s musician
John Schnabel, 96 year old patriarch of a gold mining family, including grandson Parker Schnabel
Joe Santos, Lt. Becker
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, monarch of Thailand for 70 years
Jon “Jock” Moffat, he fired the torpedo that crippled the Bismarck
Let us not forget Youree Dell Harris, better known as Miss Cleo, the fake Jamaican psychic from Los Angeles, who was unable to predict her own bust.
Blue Lives matter - The 65 police officers gunned to death so far this year, 21 of whom were assassinated in ambushes. 136 officers in total lost their lives in the line of duty this year.
The over 750 homicide victims, including innocent children, in Chicago
For those of us glued to the Discovery, Nature and National Geographic channels, we lost the Queen of Ranthambore, Machli, the acclaimed Bengal tigress who successfully raised 5 litters, died at 20, far outliving the normal life span of tigers in the wild.
Bretagne, The last rescue dog at 9/11 Ground Zero
Harambe, the gorilla
Carnegie Deli
The Atlantic City Taj Mahal
Still Alive
The Trump Derangement Syndrome
The New York Times, MSNBC, and much of the media will spend the next 4 years demonizing and delegitimizing Donald Trump while viewership and readership declines
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
President Obama's Anti-Semiticsm in Now in Plain View for he World to See
The Obama Administration passively sat on its hands and mikes last Friday as the United Nations formally branded Israel a Rouge Nation.
The Obama Administration orchestrated the vote behind the scenes.
The Obama Administration on its way out of office let pass a resolution labeling the Israeli settlements “a violation of international law.” The proclamation held that Israeli settlements on lands occupied since 1967 have no legal validity.
We have known for 8 years that President Obama reviled Israel, but carefully masked it as personal animus towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
We have known for 8 years that the Obama foreign policy has several planks based on complete naiveté:
1 The United States military enforces a foreign policy of global oppression;
2 Israel is the root source of chaos in the Mideast
3 Israel is an oppressor nation, especially to the Palestinian people
4 The source of stability in the Mideast is to be Iran
5 His national security advisors consist of political operatives like Tom Donilon and Ben Rhodes or clueless advisors like Susan Rice.
We have recognized for 8 years that President Obama might well pull the plug on supporting Israel, but hoped he wouldn’t.
His foreign policy was obvious early. First, he insulted our true ally, England, by shipping the Churchill Bust.
Then he sat by as the Mullahs ruthlessly suppressed Iranian student demonstrations against a stolen election. Not a peep of solidarity or even outrage.
The Mullahs cemented power and resolve. They knew what they needed to know about the new American President. They had his number.
The third early step was to summarily abandon the anti-ballistic missile defenses in Czechoslovakia and Poland,
President Obama was peeved in 2011 that the Prime Minister rejected his 13 non-negotiable demands. He kept the Prime Minister dangling and then abruptly left, saying he was going to go to dinner with his family.
He let
Then he let Prime Minister Netanyahu sit for three hours
Israel and the United States entered into an agreement in 1975 to guarantee Israel access to oil at reasonable cost. The agreement was twice extended for a ten year term. The State Department did not renew the agreement in November 2014.
The Prime Minister was flying to the United States when the President delivered a speech before the United nations. He demanded in his speech that Israel retreat to its’ pre-1967 borders.
Rumors are that Israelis was about to unleash its air force on the Iranian nuclear facilities when the Obama Administration warned Israel in 2014 that the United States would shoot down the Israeli jets.
Reports are also that President Obama denied access to Israel of the larger bunker busting bombs necessary to destroy Iran’s underground nuclear facilities.
A related story is that the Pentagon delayed in resupplying Israel during its recent war with Hamas.
The President was caught on a live mike in 2011 with French President Sarkozy, who complained about dealing with Netanyahu. President Obama responded “You’re fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day.”
Prime minister Netanyahu won reelection in March 2015. President Obama, who is outraged Russia interfered with our Presidential election, sent operatives and money to Japan to defeat the Prime minister. He also threatened the British if they voted to leave the EU.
A high Obama Administration official referred in October 2014 to Prime Minister Netanyahu as “chicken shit.”
The President acted now because he could. He is politically liberated. He needed the Jewish vote in 2008. He needed the Jewish vote in 2012. The voters rejected his program in 2010 and 2014. They defeated his globalist successor Hillary Clinton who needed the Jewish vote 6 weeks ago.
He is free. He is liberated. He is released.
He is embittered.
He knows the American public has rejected his policies.
He has the power of the Presidency under noon January 20, 2017.
He will exercise that power.
He will show the world that he is still President and meaningful.
He is doing everything in his power to fulfill the program he entered office with 8 years ago.
His war on fossil fuels continues.
The long term consequences of President Obama’s Israel act are momentous.
The United Nations has now effectively branded Israel a rogue nation, fueling the rising global anti-Semitism, including on American campuses.
He risks splintering the Democratic Party. The Jewish bloc has been a core constituency of the Democrats since FDR’s New Deal. The President has created identity issues for the scores of Jewish politicians in Congress, state, and local offices. Let’s see how many will support Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota as the next Chair of the Democratic National Committee.
The globalist President has imperiled Congressional funding of the United Nations. Very few Congressional Republicans are sympathetic to the UN. President Trump will place the interests of Israel above the United Nations.
He is giving false hope to the Palestinians.
Secretary of State explained that the Israeli Settlements are fueling terrorism. This excuse is as inane as President Obama continually proclaiming that Gitmo promotes terrorism. The reality in Palestine is that the school children are taught in Arabic that Israel is the enemy and terrorism, including suicide bombings, are encouraged.
Look for Israel to accelerate the settlements.
The Palestinians can have the two nation solution if they want it. They know the conditions. They have to recognize the existence of Israel.
They won’t for three reasons.
First, they can stay in office while demagogy with the Palestinian population.
Second, they can get personally rich through corruption as long as they stay in power.
Third, any Palestinian leader understands that any attempt to meaningfully negotiate with Israel can result in an assassination.
President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and United Nations Ambassador Samantha Powers have made the United States even more feckless than before.
President Obama has 24 more days to do additional damage to the United States, its friends and allies, and world order.
The fear it’s not over. Secretary of State Kerry is rumored to be delivering a speech soon in which he will essentially attempt to dictate the negotiation terms between Israel and the Palestinians, followed by the Obama Administration pushing that resolution through the United Nations.
President Obama begun his Administration by insulting one ally, England, and finished it by betraying a second ally, Israel.
In between are Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Libya, Syria, the Russia Reset, China rising in the South China Sea, and Sergeant Bergdahl.
The Obama foreign policy has been incredibly hapless, but sadly very consequential. He’s leaving the Mideast more unstable than usual.
The proper approach is to take the Obama/Clinton/Kerry foreign policy and do the opposite.
(By way of full disclosure, my parents split before my birth. I grew up the son of a single mom with my father staying absolutely, 100% out of my life. I knew his name, that he was from Chicago, that his parents immigrated from Romania, and that he was wounded in World War II during the Italian Campaign. I grew up Christian, attended a Jesuit University, and married in the Church. I found out recently through a DNA test on 23andMe that I am 46.5% Ashkenazi. My dad was Jewish! Thus I am a Christian who is half Jewish)
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Statistics can be Fun; Playing Statistical Games with the 2016 Election Results
Statistics can be fun. You can read them any way you wish. As the old saying goes, “Statistics don’t lie; statisticians lie.”
Democrats ask how could Secretary Hillary Clinton have lost the Presidential election when she won 2,865,075 more votes than her opponent Donald Trump?
Of course, she lost the Electoral College by 306 votes to 232, or is it 304 to 227 after several faithless electors voted for others.
How did Hillary win by 2,865,075 votes?
She rang up a majority of 4.2 million votes in California and 1.6 million votes in New York States. 1.7 million of her California majority came from Los Angeles County.
Hypothetically remove these 2 states and Donald Trump won 2.8 million more votes than Hillary Clinton throughout the rest of the country.
Republican candidates for the House of Representatives won 3 million more votes than their Democratic opponents. Donald Trump thereby underperformed the Republican Party in the election.
Hillary Clinton actually received 389,944 more votes than President Obama in his 2012 reelection campaign. Yet she underperformed him. His coalition did not turn out for her in the critical states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
She racked up her California supermajority, which was a waste of organization, staffing, and campaign dollars.
More damaging to the Democrats is their losses in Congress and at the state level. They have lost over 1,030 legislative seats and governorships from 2009 to 2017.
President Obama’s first year in office saw 60 Senate votes (58 D, 2I, including a switch from Republican to Democrat by Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector.) Democrats held 255 House seats compared to 179 for the Republicans.
The new Congress will show 46 Democrats and 2 Democratic caucusing independents compared to 52 seats for the Republicans.
The House of Representatives switched from 255 Democrats and 179 Republicans in 2009 to 241 Republicans and 194 Democrats in 2017.
The state level shows even stronger Republican success.
The Democrats in 2009 totally controlled 27 state houses (Governor and both legislative branches) compared to 14 for the Republicans.
The GOP now holds total control of 25 statehouses compared to only 5 for Democrats. In addition, they hold 32 governorships compared to 16 for the Democrats.
President Obama is trying in the final days of his Administration to cement his transformative, progressive legacy.
His legacy is a conservative, Republican nation with a befuddled, decimated Democratic Party.
President Obama has statistically transformed America.
That is a fact.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The Democrats Are Still in a Stage of Denial
The Democratic Post Morten on the Election Wipeout
Several different numbers of grief have been promulgated. They almost all start with denial.
Many Democrats are still in denial that their magnificent candidate, Secretary Hillary Clinton, could lose to that boorish Donald Trump.
Reince Pribus led the Republican Party into s deep post-mortem after the 2012 loss to President Obama. The study prepared several suggestions, many of which Donald Trump ignored in this election.
Be that as it may, the RNC took a detailed examination of their failure.
Not the DNC and the Democratic leadership.
They know why Hillary lost:
Russian hacking
Vladimir Putin hated Clinton
Angry White Men
Huma Abedin
Fake News
FBI Director Comey
The archaic Electoral College; she won the popular vote
Inability to Communicate Message
Voter suppression (Voter ID statutes)
White Racism
Note to DNC, those are not the causes.
These are:
A flawed candidate, who could not connect with voters
An elitist, lying, programmed flawed candidate
An elitist bi-coastal Party out of touch with Americans
A campaign, whose theme was “I’m not Trump”
Ran as the status quo rather than a positive program
A rigged primary election
Irrelevant fact checkers
A campaign based on identity politics
Computer models and data mining are valuable tools, but they cannot measure the pulse of voters
It’s the Economy, Stupid
Offer welfare and unemployment to coal miners
Don’t be bothered by the small size of your crowds and the large crowds at Trump rallies
Yard signs don’t indicate anything
Don’t campaign in Wisconsin
Ignore Christian voters and trash traditional values
In your face social issues
Black Lives matter, but so do white lives, yellow lives, brown lives, and Blue Lives
Open Borders
The War on Coal
Dodging the press and limited campaign appearances
Americans want jobs, not a transformation
Friday, December 9, 2016
Fake News Alert" Fake News Alarm! Fake News Alert! Read All About It!
The CIA was behind the Russian hacking, not the Russians. The CIA made it look like the Russians were hacking.
The Russians did not hack the Podesta emails.; they manufactured them as agit-prop.
The North Koreans hacked the Russians hacking the DNC.
The Russians found nothing in the DNC hack so they made it up.
The Russians had a Hillary clone call the Trump supporters deplorables and irredemables.
The Russian Hillary clone told the Kentucky coal miners she would put them out of business, but replace their jobs with welfare.
The Russians called upon their moles to infiltrate every polling booth using paper ballots or the mechanical, non-electronic voting machines.
The Russians have been secretly financing Donald Trump for 30 years.
Donald Trump is ineligible to be President because he was born in his grandfather’s lodge in the Canadian Yukon.
Senator Bernie Sander was a Manchurian Candidate.
Rosemary Woods created the 18 minute gap in the Clinton emails.
ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC, as well as Fox debate hosts, leaked the questions to Donald Trump before each debate.
Julian Assange works for the NSA.
Wikipedia commissioned the leaks.
Hillary Clinton’s aides created the personal email server without her knowledge.
The secret Clinton server was actually kept in the Watergate.
Senator Bernie Sanders misplayed his role. His appointed task was to make Secretary Clinton look conservative.
The election was called before the late votes from Detroit, Philadelphia, and the Texas Hill Country came in.
Secretary Clinton’s broken Russian reset was a coded signal to the Russians that she would not play along with them.
The Obamas hate the Clintons so the call for a national inquiry into Russian hacking is a diversion to divert attention away from the President’s sabotage of her campaign.
Vice President Al Gore hated the Clintons for costing him the 2000 election so he sabotaged her campaign in 2008 and 2016.
It is mathematically impossible for Flyover Country to outvote California.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
President Elect Trump Visited Columbus Today and the Survivors of the Islamic terrorist Attack; Where Was President Clinton?
More Sudden Jihad Syndrome – This Time in Columbus
Columbus, Ohio, the Heartland of America, was attacked a week ago Monday in yet another example, of home-grown Sudden Jihad Syndrome. A young Muslim male seeks salvation with Allah by attacking infidels.
Strangely, President Obama exercised the Sounds of Silence on this attack.
Not a word of outrage on the attack.
Not a word of comfort to the American people.
No reaching out to the citizens of Columbus or the students at Ohio State.
Just silence!
Perhaps because no guns were used in the attack.
Thus, not the robotic attack on guns by the President.
A car and butcher knife bought that morning from Walmart were the weapons used.
I’ve written earlier that guns kill. So do knives, and cars.
President Obama is concerned by gun killings, except apparently in Chicago, and white cops killing blacks.
A white police officer shot and killed a black teenager in Columbus.
Normally President Obama would be decrying the shooting of the Black teenager.
Even President Obama realizes that would be stupid.
The Administration will not call it terrorism.
Nor can it find a reason for the attack.
Once again, it’s radical Islamic terrorism through the Sudden Jihad Syndrome.
President Elect Donald Trump meet privately today with the victims, families, and first responders in the Columbus. He singled out the heroic police officer who shot and killed the assailant.
President Obama remains silent on the attacks
He said earlier today that his intelligence briefings did not prepare him for the rise of ISIS.
That’s because he didn’t read the briefings half the time and fired intelligence officials, such as General Flynn, who tried warning him of the dangers of ISIS.
President Obama was knowingly ignorant of the risks.
President Obama hails from Illinois in the Midwest, but he’s not returning to Illinois at the end of his Presidency. He’s staying in D.C.
He’s not returning to Flyover Country, the land candidate Clinton referred to as inhabited by “deplorables” And “irredemables.”
He doesn’t need Ohioans votes anymore.
Why go to a state he doesn’t need which rejected his successor?
He’ll rather be golfing than visiting Ohio for fake remorse or reading his daily intelligence briefings.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Let California Pull a Calexit and Secede if it Wishes
If California Wishes to Secede From the Union, Let It
California on the left coast is disillusioned with the recent election. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by roughly 2½ million votes, which came from California.
The nation’s most populous state with 38 million citizens thinks it lacks political power in the United States. The House Majority Leader, Representative Kevin McCarthy (R. Bakersfield) and House Minority Leader, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D. San Francisco) are from California.
California has almost as many people as Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Idaho, West Virginia, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah, Iowa, Connecticut, and Oklahoma combined, but they have 24 Senate votes compared to only 2 for California.
California politicians complain they send more money to Washington than they get back. The numbers would substantially change if California had kept all its military bases rather than abandoning them: The Presidio, Treasure Island, Letterman Army Medical Center, Hunters Point, Alameda Naval Air station, Benicia Arsenal, Fort Ord, Hamilton Air Force Base, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, McClellan Air Force Base, Oakland Naval Air Station, El Toro Marine Air Station, Tustin Marine Air Station, Long Beach Naval Shipyard, Fort Irwin, Norton Air Force Base, George Air Force Base, and Vandenberg Air Force base.
California supposedly leads the country and the world, but the red map of America is growing and the blue map is shrinking.
The fear 4 decades ago was that California would slide into the Pacific. Just let it slide away, one way or another.
The South tried secession 150 years ago. That failed. I read once that it was the industrial strength of the North and the farm boys of Michigan and Ohio that defeated Dixie.
Michigan and Ohio won’t fight to keep California in the Union. Look around California for Detroit (and Ohio) cars. California buys Japanese, Korean, and German cars in a “Up Yours” motion to Detroit.
Hollywood celebrities, Barbara Streisand, Leah Dunham, et al, who threatened to move to Canada can now stay in the new Peoples Republic of California. The rest of America will no longer have to listen to their political pontifications.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if they had to get a visa to go to Vegas?
The rest of America can cut California off from the low cost hydroelectricity of the Pacific Northwest and the waters and hydroelectricity of the Colorado River while California wages war on cattle flatulence to fight global warning.
Possible names for the new state:
Peoples Republic of California
Nueva California
Alta California
Alta California might even rejoin Baja California.
California is outraged at President Elect Trump.
San Francisco, which releases illegal immigrants to San Bernardino County and to kill tourists, is a proudly, arrogantly, in your face sanctuary city.
Los Angeles is a sanctuary city.
Sacramento is a sanctuary city.
Oakland is a sanctuary city.
California is a sanctuary state.
The Los Angeles Unified School District is sanctuary.
The University of California is becoming a sanctuary university while the legislature is strangling it financially..
California is a sanctuary state. The newly installed legislature is debating the measures to be enacted to make California a sanctuary state and defeat President Trump.
Illegal immigrants is the legislative priority – not the deteriorating roads and streets – not the businesses and individuals fleeing the taxes and regulations of California
California is leading the nation in becoming a Nanny State.
Let it secede.
People have been California Dreaming and flocking to the Golden State for over 200 years.
They’re still coming, legally and illegally.
The sun, the beaches, the glitter of Hollywood, they come
Birthright citizenship, They come.
The 49ers came for gold.
Today, they come for silicon, in the Valley and implants.
Secession is a two-edged sword. Residents of six far north counties in California want to secede from California and become the State of Jefferson, although the state of the eternal high might be more appropriate. Another 16 counties have joined their request
West Virginia seceded from Virginia during the Civil War. Let Northern Northern California secede from the Nanny State of California.
California voters in November voted for gun control, plastic bag taxes, $2/pack cigarette taxes, taxed recreational marijuana, high income taxes on the rich.
The secession sponsors want California to “become a free, sovereign, independent nation.
It’s more likely to validate Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
To be fair, the Central Valley and Inland Empire should also join the State of Jefferson, thereby separating Red California from Blue California. The Central Valley, the country’s largest agricultural producer, is California’s flyover country to the coastal elitists.
They tolerate Riverside Country in the Inland Empire only because Palm Springs is there.
Orange County would join them, but it’s turning purple.
Nueva California will be left with Silicon Valley, Hollywood, tourism, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Haight Asbury, Disneyland, and jammed freeways.
Two thoughts for the tax and spenders salivating in California.
First, they could keep all the tax dollars flowing to Washington.
Second, the redistributionists would not be constrained by the Bill of Rights or other provisions of the Constitution.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Donald Trump, Flag Burning, Hampshire College, and the Media
Donald Trump set off a firestorm last Tuesday when he tweeted “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail.”
The media went ballistic. They dumped on Trump because his view was "unconstitutional." The Supreme Court has upheld flag burning as constitutionally protected freedom of speech.
They accused him of subverting traditional American values.
The media hasn’t learned a thing from the Presidential election. They incessantly attacked him from July through November.
He won big time; they lost.
The more they dumped on him, the stronger he became with his base.
They continue to question his every act.
As with the American Flag.
The hard working Americans in flyover country; President Obama’s clingers, Secretary Clinton’s deplorables and irredeemables, believe in traditional American values: hard work, family values, law and order, God, country and the American Flag.
They voted for Trump and the Republicans.
The media voted with its column inches and dollars for Clinton.
The people won.
The Flag is the symbol of America.
We pledge allegiance to the American Flag, not the bald eagle, not the President, not Congress – The Flag.
We pledge allegiance to the Flag in elementary school.
We pledge allegiance to the Flag at City Council meetings.
Our national anthem is the Star Spangled banner.
The elites and media in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco have forgotten American values; they no longer understand the Heartland.
The Heartland understands Donald Trump.
The AP is still fact checking Donald trump.
The Heartland is listening to Donald Trump.
The media’s incessant fact checking of Donald trump didn’t hurt his campaign. Hillary Clinton’s jibes in the debate about fact checking Donald Trump didn’t hurt him.
There are facts, and there are beliefs.
The fact is that Americans believe in the Flag.
Most believe, regardless of the Supreme Court, that flag burning should be a crime.
Hampshire College, a private university in Massachusetts, lowered the Flag to half-staff the day after the election.
Someone on campus burned the Flag that night.
Jonathan Lash, the President of Hampshire College, then ordered the Flag removed from campus. He emailed the Hampshire community:
“We hope this will enable us to instead focus on addressing racist, misogynistic, islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behavior.”
The response was not quite what he expected. Many vicious and some supportive emails were sent to the campus. I000 veterans and supporters showed up on Sunday waving American flags.
Hampshire College is an alternative college. You can call if Alt-Left.
Who do the American people support on the Flag?
Donald Trump or Hampshire College?
The media still does not understand the Trump phenomenon.
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