Saturday, October 30, 2010

Teach Your Children Well, About Bureaucrats

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young sang “Teach Your Children Well.”

Yes, teach your children Civics

Teach your children about government

Teach your children what it means to be an American

Teach your children of the greatness of America

Teach your children about America’s history, including the Boston Tea party, Shay’s Revolt, and Prop 13

Teach your children of the meaning of America

Teach your children about our Founding Fathers and their vision of America

Teach your children about entrepreneurism

Teach your children about small business

Teach your children of upper mobility

Teach your children of the open doors, which encouraged enterprising immigrants from all nations

Teach your children of the 4 branches of government

Teach your children of the Executive Branch, and the Legislative, and the Judicial, but most of all teach your children of the most powerful branch of all, the administrative

Yes, teach your children about administrators, bureaucrats, and the Tax Man

Teach your children not to sell lemonade in Oregon or pumpkins in Idaho

Teach your children that revenuers will squeeze the last juice from a child’s lemonade stand and squash the pumpkin

Teach your children that the Tax Man shut down a child’s lemonade stand in Multnomah County,Oregon, and squashed a child’s pumpkin stand in Lewiston,Idaho.

Teach your children about Patricia Gilmore, Idaho Tax Commission compliance officer, who told the family of the 4 and 6 year old pumpkin sellers, that they had to purchase a license and pay sales tax, or be closed by the state

Teach your children of the Multnomah County inspector who shut down 7 year old Julie Murphy’s lemonade stand on July 29 for failure to obtain a $120 Temporary Restaurant license, and threatened a $500 fine

But teach your children of the people of Oregon, the radio station, and Les Schwab Tires, which raised $1,838.31 for Julie in lemonade sales

Teach your children of the generosity of the American people

Teach your children that the Tax Man may spend hundreds of dollars to collect nickels and dimes

Teach your children that Philadelphia confiscates Cupcake Trucks

Teach your children that hard work and enterprise tempt the bureaucrats

Let them learn when they are still young of the reach of the Tax Man

And teach your children that excessive taxation stills initiative and entrepreneurism

Teach your children that success attracts bureaucrats, regulators, and revenuers,

Teach your children well

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