Republicans believe in the individual
Democrats believe in the state
Republicans believe that what we earn by the sweat of our brow is ours
Democrats believe that what we earn belongs to the state except for the ever shrinking percent which they will let you keep
Republicans believe in capitalism
Democrats believe in the state
Republicans encourage business
Democrats demagogue business
Republicans reward success
Democrats tax success
Republicans believe in small business
Democrats say they believe in small business, but proceed to tax and regulate it
Republicans answer to the market
Democrats answer to Trial Lawyers
Republicans believe in corporations
Democrats believe in unions
Republicans earn dividends, interest and capital gains from oil companies, insurers, and tobacco companies
Democrats demonize these Dirty Three
Republicans support across the board tax cuts for all
Democrats believe in targeted tax cuts
Republicans believe in personal choice
Democrats represent the Nanny State
Republicans are libertarians for individual rights, except for social issues, such
as abortion, drugs, and gay rights
Democrats are often libertine
Republicans like the freedom of the automobile
Democrats worship at the shrine of mass transit
Republicans do not believe in the separation of Church and State
Democrats believe in secular humanism
Republicans believe in equality of opportunity
Democrats believe in the equality of outcome
(All generalizations, of course)
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