The Japanese Imperial Navy attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, sinking 8 battleships and crippling the United States Pacific Fleet.
Fortunately, the three fleet carriers, Enterprise, Lexington, and Saratoga, were at sea. The Japanese captured the Philippines, Singapore, Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, Burma, and Indonesia in six months.
And yet, the American carriers turned back a Japanese invasion fleet headed for New Guinea at the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942, and then crippled the Japanese Navy at Midway in June. The tide in the Pacific had inexorably turned in six months as the Arsenal of Democracy rose to defeat the Axis.
December 7, 1941 was an attack on the military might of America and the will of the American people. America rose to the challenge.
December 7, 2009 is the day two major developments unfolded in the global war against global climate change. First, the Copenhagen Conference convened with 110 countries meeting purportedly to fight global warming.
Second, and not just coincidental, the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a finding that greenhouse gases endanger the public health and welfare of the American people. The EPA will now proceed to rule making.
Copenhagen is not about the science of global warming, the questionable science of global warming. The recent email disclosures from East Anglia are irrelevant.
Copenhagen is politics – not science. It is an attack on the wealth of the West, especially the United States. It is a direct attack upon America’s highly successful capitalistic economy. America has created tens of millions of jobs in recent decades, even considering the current economic crisis, while Europe has stagnated.
Pearl Harbor was a direct attack on America’s military.
Copenhagen is a direct attack on America’s economy.
The poorer nations want a buyout of $10 billion to go along. The unelected bureaucrats of Europe are salivating at controlling the economic systems of Europe and America through a new international regime that will cripple the Western countries, as well as America’s military might. Without a strong economy, America will no more be able to sustain its military than most of the NATO countries.
Carbon caps, cap and trade, emissions restrictions will severely cripple western economies. Of course, as with Rio and Kyoto, anything less than meaningful participation by China and India will be an expansive exercise is nothingness.
President Roosevelt met the Japanese attack with his Day of Infamy speech, one of the greatest in American history. He steeled the will of the American people. German Americans, Italian Americans, and Japanese Americans fought for an American victory.
President Obama, and many of his allies in Congress, will not resist Copenhagen, for they support its goals. President Obama will be supported by an alliance of the mainstream media, academicians, and statists.
The former community organizer is economically illiterate as shown by the recent White House Jobs Summit. He invited academicians, labor, reporters, campaign supporters, and government types to the summit, but not those who actually create jobs, representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and small business.
Congress, especially the Democrats in the coal states, will probably not accede to the cap and trade bills, carbon taxes, or other bills pending in Congress.
Congress is irrelevant unless it makes itself relevant.
Congress’ assent is unnecessary because of the 5:4 decision two years ago by the Supreme Court in Massachusetts v. EPA. The Court held that the EPA has the power under the Clean Air Act to regulate automotive emissions as greenhouse gasses endangering the American people.
The Obama Administration is prepared to proceed through the regulatory powers of the EPA to impose carbon restrictions on America.
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