A veritable Nor’easter blew through Massachusetts last Tuesday. The political losses were catastrophic.
The losers include:
Attorney General Martha Coakley
Camelot and the Kennedys
Health Reform
President Obama’s leftist agenda
The Far Left Wing of the Democratic Party
The Democratic realignment
John Maynard Keynes – yet again
The New World Order
Cap and Trade Legislation and any other legislative restraints on coal
Rahm Emanuel (Not every crisis is an opportunity that should not be missed).
David Axelrod
Blue Dog Democrats, who walked the plank for President Obama
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Senators Nelson, Lincoln, Bayh
Stimulus III
Unions (Almost half the union members voted Republican on Tuesday)
The Massachusetts Democratic Party
One Party Government
Tax Increases
Rube Goldberg and Kafka
And perhaps Financial Reform
The biggest loser is none of the above, but the ashen faced gentleman standing behind Martha Coakley in her concession speech. Governor Patrick Duval was watching his reelection go down the tubes in Massachusetts. Whether or not Martha Coakley was a good or bad campaigner, he saddled with unpopular, substantial income and sales tax increases while unemployment jumped to 10% in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Governor Duval should consider moving back to Chicago.
Several winners emerge from the Nor’easter, including
Senator Scott Brown
The Massachusetts Republican Party
The National GOP and Republican National Chairman Michael Steele
Governor Mitt Romney
Tea Parties
The Medical Profession, Pharma, and Insurers
GM Pickup Trucks
The last time the Democrats screwed up Massachusetts, under the leadership of Governor Dukakis, the voters elected two Republicans to Congress, several to the Legislature, and Republicans as governors for 16 years.
The biggest winner though could paradoxically be President Obama. Eventhough his agenda was shattered last Tuesday, his presidency might survive as a result.
The American public rejected President Clinton’s leftist agenda in 1994 by turning Congress and most statehouses over to the Republicans.
If President Obama is smart, he will learn from President Clinton who veered to the right and practiced the art of triangulation. No more big agenda items, except the conservative, and popular, goal of welfare reform. He waited patiently until the Republicans overstepped and shut down government.
If President Obama is smart and flexible rather than doctrinaire!
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