Monday, July 1, 2024

Thoughts and Quotes on the Biden-Trump Debate

Let’s start with a few quotes: 1) Chico: “Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes.”” We were told the videos of President stumbling, bumbling, wrong way, and misspeaking were cheap fakes. The world saw an old man in his dotage. President Biden is suffering from dementia. Sad! It’s a personal tragedy for the Biden family and a greater tragedy for America and the world. 2) Abraham Lincoln: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, or all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.” 3) Robert Hur, Special Counsel, refused to indict President Biden for mishandling secret documents, for which President Trump has been indicted. He explained a jury would view President Biden “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Robert Hur was criticized by both Trump supporters and Biden supporters. Trump supporters see a double standard by the Attorney General because these were the alleged crimes for which President Trump has been indicted. Biden supporters claim the statements were inappropriate and unnecessary. Attorney General Garland refuses, on questionable executive privilege grounds, to turn over to the House of Representatives the audio talk of the Biden-Hur interview. The AG was apparently trying to cover-up the President’s growing dementia. Attorney General Garland should release the video since the American people saw for themselves President Biden’s incapacity. Vice President Joe Biden’s handlers kept him sequestered in his basement during the 2020 election campaign because of Covid. He could run a stealth campaign touting experience and moderation against an unpopular President who had been viciously maligned for four years. 4) Who’s making decisions in the Biden Administration? We learnt Thursday night that President Biden is incapable of making decisions. His staff makes the decisions. Thus he has the Obama appeasers of Iran, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Susan Rice, appeasing Iran with more billions of dollars than they did in the Obama Administration. We know that the President, Blinken, and Sullivan live up to their reputation. 5) President Obama said of his Vice President Biden: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” 6) Secretary of Defense Gates said of Joe Biden: “I think he has been wrong on nearly every foreign policy and national defense issue over the past four decades.” So much for experience! 7) Senator John McCain said Antony Blinken was not only ”unqualified” but also “has been dangerous to America and to the young men and women who are fighting and serving this country.” 8) Representative James Comer said National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan “has been at the epicenter of the worst foreign policy crises and decisions over the past decade.” Landslide elections periodically occur. Republicans across America were pulled under by Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964. Republicans were also decimated in 1972 after President Nixon’s resignation in disgrace. President Carter’s incompetence turned the White House and Senate over to the Republicans in 1980. Republicans won control of the House and Senate in 1994 because of President Clinton and again in 2002 because of ObamaCare. Democrats running for reelection in the Senate, House and state elections can see President Biden pulling them down in 170 days. They dread a Biden-Harris ticket.

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